Missouri Federation of
Women's Democratic Clubs
Convention 2021
“United for Progress for 90 Years”
The 90th Annual Missouri Federation of Women's Democratic Clubs State
Convention will be held on June 5th, 2021. This will be a virtual one day event, with the hope of seeing everyone in person in June 2022.
We have a lot to celebrate with big wins at the National level. I am so proud to be a part of electing a Democratic President to the White House; we all have worked very hard in the last year, within the pandemic.
All information is included in the below links. Please read documents carefully for deadline dates.

"I hope to see many of you at our Virtual Convention, as we have been united for progress for 90 years!"
-Angela McQuinn
MFWDC President
2021 Call to Convention (Click here.)
2021 Convention Cover Letter (Click here.)
2021 Convention Registration Form (Click here.)
2021 Convention Tentative Agenda (Click here.)
MFWDC WOY Award 2021
(Click here for pdf.) (Click here for word doc.)
The deadline to submit nominations is May 1st, 2021.
Scrapbook Award 2021
(Click here for pdf.) (Click here for word doc.)
The deadline to submit nominations is May 1st, 2021.
2021 Bylaws Amendment Form (Click here.)
Bylaws Amendment Article VIII (Click here.)
Bylaws Amendment Article IX (Click here.)
Bylaws Amendment Article XII (Click here.)
2021 Convention Standing Rules (Click here.)
Standing Rule 3 (Click here.)
Standing Rule 12 (Click here.)
State Dues Remittance, Individual & Club
(Click here for pdf.) (Click here for word doc.)
Officer and Club Update 2021
(Click here for pdf.) (Click here for word doc.)
Application/Recommendation for MFWDC Officers
2021 Ad Sheet for Program (Click here.)